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Wednesday, August 29, 2018


There are things
I no longer wish to understand.

In first grade, I was teased for
bringing rice and beans when
the other kids had PB&J.
The next year we talked about
Martin Luther King Jr. and
I realized, “Mommy! I figured out what Daddy is!
He’s a black man!”
I understand that people see us differently now.

I wish I didn’t know
just how far
my sadness could go.

Knowing how easily
your heart can be broken
is something you cannot
come back from.

There was a time when
I didn’t understand trigonometry,
and I still don’t.

And, there was a time
that I never wanted to grow up…
I can’t say that has changed.

I learned to understand that
no matter what life throws at you,
you will survive.
Written based on a writing prompt that said to write about the things you wish you didn't know. What are some things you wish you could unlearn?