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Saturday, September 12, 2020

when we say Black Lives Matter

when we say Black Lives Matter
we are saying three words
that carry the weight of hundreds of years 
of pain and oppression
of strength and perseverance
between them

when we say Black Lives Matter
we are recognizing a dark history
too often covered up
and forcing it into the light
a history we can choose to stop repeating
but only if we fight for a better future

when we say Black Lives Matter
we are saying that black people
deserve respect, safety, and love
that they are needed, beautiful, and valued
that they are worth protecting
and admitting that we haven't always protected them

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Red is a powerful color.
I like wearing it,
especially on Monday.

- my grandmother

Saturday, September 5, 2020

upgrade, mirror, revelation

One reason I wanted a nicer wheelchair,
one of many, the smallest reason really,
is that in a basic chair with my leg up, 
it looks temporary
and that leads to misunderstandings.
"Poor thing, you broke your leg."
No. I obliterated my leg three years ago.
There's a difference.
This isn't temporary.

In front of me: a full-length mirror.
My elbows on the armrests.
I look at myself and thought
"I am a kid in 
a (real) wheelchair
and will be, off and on,
for the rest of my life."

And that's all it took,
an upgrade and a big mirror for
a revelation.
About time, I suppose.