and nature.
peacefulness of nature.
a fish swimming in the calm, cool water
a snake in the tall celery grass
a salamander in the cool shade.
The sapphire mountains tipped with
chalky-white snow
peek behind the ancient hemlocks
like small children playing a game.
The wind dances down from the sky and
the spinach green trees
sway in rhythm
like a dance.
In two words,
love and warmth.
The love of my family,
we hug
tight ones,
we laugh
at everything,
we cry
till we have no more tears.
A baby down for a nap
laying peacefully
on the pale sheets
of the small crib.
Three cousins playing cards.
A grandma painting a picture of color,
that lead you to
places of
A me reading,
in another world,
the author
has created.
A cozy cabin
one with
rough, cold floors
old and worn, comfortable furniture.
Paintings and books.
A view
filled with love and warmth from my
It stabs me
like a knife through my shoulder blades
the fact that
I'll have to leave.
The pain
softened by memories.
This is my home.
Not a place.
Not a thing.
A bittersweet happiness.
My Heart
my Memories.
In one word,