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Friday, November 16, 2012

Fill Up My Notebook?

I need to fill up my notebook for school
Well here goes nothing
Ok, I didn't need to do that
But it was fun

My Aunt A Witch

I hate my aunt
She is so mean
Maybe she's a witch!
How do I find out
And come back..

Big Dress

My dress is too big
It makes a V down to my belly button
It falls beneath my feet
It's "short" sleeves fall over my wrists
Depending on how you look at it
It either makes me look
Really fat or really skinny
Maybe it's my moms

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Flower Azul

Yo stared at the flower azul
It dizzaled mis ojos
There was only uno
Oh why no more
More of those flowers lindas
Maybe if there were more
When I went to el cielo
It would never be as good
As amazing as this unica
Flower azul

My Poem Like This

My first poem was kind of
Dumb, silly, wierd
It went like this:
I wrote a poem and it went like this
Why do all my poems start like this?